Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2663

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2663. CONCERNING SIMPLICITY. It was appointed for me [mihi sistebatur] to speak with a certain simple [spirit], whom other spirits annoyed on account of his simplicity, and through [whom] they spoke, and whom they set [sistebant] to speak to me: in which [conduct of theirs] was craftiness - but he having been taken from them to another society, spoke from a simple heart what he wished to speak, not with me because I can [do] nothing, but with the Lord. There was in his talk and discourse such a simplicity that I knew he had been able to speak with the Lord, because as they speak, so they are: the spirits were indignant, because they supposed they themselves should sooner [potius] be admitted, because cunning [astuti] and intelligent [scientes], elevated to a higher region, and during [that] whilst being elevated [elevating], he said, he is impeded in the way by many spirits. These therefore are the simple in heart, and [those] who are admitted to the Lord before the learned, and still more before those who suppose they are prudent of themselves: because they believe what they say, and in their ideas is no such doubting [dubium] and negative [principle] as in the ideas of those who suppose they are wise of themselves. - 1748, July 22.

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