2668. HOW ALSO BY THE MUSCLES, AND HENCE [BY] THE ACTIONS, IS REPRESENTED THE LOVE OF THE NEIGHBOR, AND OF THE COMMONWEALTH In universal nature there is nothing which does not confirm, that without love, and hence the mutual assistance of many, thus without a society, wherein each thing respects the general [principle] good, and nothing [respects] itself, not anything can exist; how many muscles, and thousands and myriads of motive fibers, hence of powers [virium] conspire to one action of the body; every motive fiber discharges its own function in company, and applies itself [intendit] to the general [good], and thus through association, amongst thousands of others, respects a one [unum] or general [common] action, for which it exerts itself [intendit] and not for itself; if for itself, the general [good] would perish; besides these are among other things which confirm. - 1748, July 23.