2713. CONCERNING THE GOVERNMENT OR THE UNIVERSE, - THAT THE UNIVERSE IS NOT RULED BY THE LORD, ACCORDING TO THE FALLACIES AND PHANTASIES OF MEN WHEREIN THERE ARE INDEFINITE THINGS WHICH RESIST [REPUGNANT]. In human minds, perverted and inverted, their conclusions are principally, and almost wholly, drawn from the government of externals; thus from the fallacies of the senses and phantasies, especially as to why the Lord does not guard and turn away man from evils, yea, from cruelties, and the like, which are to be dreaded and execrated, when yet the hearts of all are in his hand. For instance, why he did not turn away David from so cruelly treating the Ammonites; from adultery with Bathsheba; Solomon from idolatry; and indefinite things of this kind, which may occur at any moment in the thoughts of man. I conversed concerning this matter yesterday and today, of whom they are of a perverted and inverted nature, pertinaciously insist that, either the Lord cannot [or will not]; beside very many other things which they revolved in their minds.