2719. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE KITCHEN [culinario] [HEAT]. Those of such a sort as I have previously written of, came where there were societies of spirits, and these said that they could not have subsided, on account of the offensive smell [propter, gravedinem foetoris], thus, that they could not have lived unless they had been permitted to flee away. Of such a sort are those who are in the kitchen fire [heat], and are the worst and most offensive [gravissimi] of all in the world, so that the world can scarcely subsist if such were multiplied; yea, they are such that they boast of these things; they also delight with exceeding ardor [summa cupidine] in this, that they can inveigle others, which is the reason that their infernal punishments are more grievous than the infernal punishment of all other sins. - 1748, July 31.