2760. CONCERNING THE INTERNAL NATURE OF MAN THAT IT EVEN BEGINS TO BECOME WORSE, MORE AND MORE. It is given me to learn from living experience that in the interior sphere of nature are thousands of such as are evil, that is, who interiorly as to the interiors of [their] nature are evil; so that the internal thoughts of man are more depraved than formerly. In the interior sphere, are intentions or ends stopping in the world and in self: such intentions or natural ends occur [dantur] at this day more than formerly, and more occupy man than anyone can believe: but it is not easy for man to distinguish between the [things] which are the interiors of [his] nature, and [those] which are the exteriors: Likewise from living experience, and of considerable duration. I have learned that scarcely anyone, who has thus lived in the world, has known that it was other than becoming and therefore good: yet nevertheless such after death in the other life manifest themselves [and] their intentions, which are in the interior sphere of nature they have been amongst evildoers and the worst: thinking in a very different manner from their acting, and only [considering] for an end their own rule and -