2763. Then was also shown near the head a small conglutination of similar sticks, as it were little sticks which were gilded or externally covered over with gold, which signify his ratiocinations [ratiocinia]. But when corporeals are reformed, so that they can obey spirituals, then they were beautifully represented by various contexture neatly arranged [concinno] to wit, at first of a blue color with points [spicio], arranged into various beautiful forms, which were covered here and there with blue spots. This little point [sciculum] were set [considebat] into the forms. Afterward [was shown] a more coherent form of such points [arranged] into beautiful forms [composed] of minute points, as it were a contexture into [spetzen]; but in a solid; afterwards also other forms more continuous. Thus are represented the corporeals or material [things] of the regenerated man, when inspected by the angels. These things were shown me, but I cannot describe the forms and pictures, for [they were] composed out of minute [points]. They can indeed be pictured, but not described to the apprehension. - 1748, August 8.