2824. As respects the fall it was thus represented. There appeared at first a circumflexion, as it were, of a veil, round about, over the head, by its turning about [conversionem] at a distance. It was a floating veil [velum volans] like as I have seen somewhere in pictures: and then the circumflexion [was] faster and faster, so long as such a veil appeared above [superius]: but by swift revolution [circumvolutionem] [he] appeared like a sphere of horizontal rotation [circumactionis] such as characterizes the whirled sphere of the atmosphere, and this [was] from right to left when he appeared thus driven around [circumactus]: which was the result of the phantasy belonging to the falsity, that thus whirls him round, from which there appears such representation. With the angel who falls, such is the insanity of his natural mind when he falls into the world of spirits (I do not know whether [it appears] to him): then is represented such a whirling and sphere of such whirling.