2889. When such infested me long, by keeping me in my more pleasant [states] out of premeditated deceit, and this was granted me to perceive, then, in whatever mode, I seemed to be able, I resisted, by fighting them back, retorting evil upon them, although [it was] not of me, but I seemed [to act] as it were, from myself. Certain spirits spoke with me and said, that it is not permitted to act so, as to resist evil with evil; they supposed that they ought to be wholly submissive, and expect immediate help from the Lord, for they fall into such an opinion, from the general law alone, that they must not resist evil, but suffer all evils to be brought upon them, and so expect immediate liberation from the Lord. But they were told, that it is not so to be understood, as that if anyone in the life of man, if a thief, a robber, a malefactor, wishes to take away any one's life, to steal deceitfully, or by open force, what is most dear and quite necessary to him, to burn it, and he [the sufferer is] alone, that then he would suffer this to happen, and expect immediate help from the Lord,