2900. CONCERNING INTERIOR THOUGHT. See above, concerning interior thought. I spoke with spirits concerning interior thought, and in order that I might know of what quality it was, exterior thought was taken away from me, so that I thought nothing [that came] from objects, nevertheless, so as scarcely to think concerning anything [existing] in act: yet in that state I heard what they said, but without reflection as to what they said; which was immediately given to observe. There was recalled into my remembrance that I have been long of such a character [in such a state], to wit, in interior thought, when I have thought of those things which I wrote, in the street, at the table, sometimes in conversation, when I myself had not observed. Then was, plainly [manifest, I think] perceived and shown to me, a double [two- fold] thought, to wit, an interior thought concerning matters subject to the understanding, and concerning matters that were the objects of the senses: like as when I had read in the Lord's Word, then was observed a double [duplex] thought, and for a long time. In like manner, in this state while I write, and very often when I read, when I hear spirits speaking with me, then the interior thought is plainly apperceived, and observed by spirits. - 1748, August 23. They who have interior thought, also have exterior [thought]; the same spirit afterwards spoke with me, in the same manner, as those who are exterior.