2947. CONCERNING FOUR DEGREES OF FAITH. I have now also spoken concerning these: the four degrees of faith, that there are four: to wit, scientific faith, which consist in my knowing only scientifically [as a matter of knowledge] the things which belong to faith, and holding them in [my] memory, and from memory relating and preaching them to others or for the sake of honor, knowing, being learned, meriting somewhat in society. Thus it is an affair of the memory. He calls it faith, but does not believe, not even the least. Such are evil pastors and preachers. Another degree is faith in the understanding [intellectu] or intellectual faith, to wit: when I am intellectually persuaded, either from the connection of things, or confirmation of many things, natural or spiritual so that I am intellectually persuaded - but still it is kept back in the memory, because it does not come forth in life, in such a way that the life is according to these things, save when honor for self-reputation and the like excite it. Wherefore it is only a shell [crusta], which has little or no connection with the nucleus or affection. The third degree is the first persuasion, to wit: when [one] is persuaded by the Lord, that it is so: then as often as he is admonished a thing is so, so often does he attempt to act differently: thus conscience dictates - he acts according to faith. The fourth degree is persuasion: when he cannot act different from what he believes: for he then perceives himself to be led by the Lord. Wherefore this persuasion is conjoined with perception, whereof [I have treated] previously. - 1748, August 27.