2974. CONCERNING THE CUT-THROATS. The crime [facinus] which they entered upon was to send to me, in the night, cut-throats to kill me while I was asleep; which also was thus attempted in sleep. There seemed in [my] dream, that a certain friend whom I knew lay near me, and when I was ignorant, and supposed him a friend, and feared nothing at all, because supposing [myself] very safe, lying with him, he suddenly threw himself on my head, and [put] his head and so his mouth to the back of my neck [ad collum tergale] and wished to bite me with his mouth, and suck out my blood, as is the habit of tigers, and so kill me like a leech: but besides attempting and willing he could effect nothing: for I awaked. I observed also in sleep a knife in my hand, but at that time I had the wish to project [throw] the knife, but not at all to hurt him. I awaked, and saw a bird behind me, which was turned into a dog, which the more and more it became a dog, extended its mouth towards me, and so disappeared. Wherefore the cutthroats are of such a nature, that when they cannot [use] the knives, they bite with the teeth, and they are signified by the dogs. It was next asked who was the guilty one [facinorosus] but he has not yet been found, to wit, he who inspired him [that is] with [penes] me to attempt it. He is of such a nature, as to throw the blame on every innocent [person] that he knows. - 1748, August 29.