2989. IF SPIRITS ENJOYED THE CORPOREAL MEMORY, THAT THEY COULD NOT BE IN A SPIRITUAL STATE. Besides other [facts which could be mentioned], there is also this: that spirits are deprived of their corporeal memory, because it is proper [propria] to them; from it, they suppose they lead their own [proprium] life; and, further, that if they enjoyed that memory, that the more perfect states of spirits of which [concerning] [see] elsewhere, could scarcely be given, to wit, to perceive thoughts in [by] spiritual idea, besides very many other things. Wherefore, men lose nothing but flesh and bones, and the use of that memory. They possess it all, but it is not permitted to use it, but [to use] the interior [memory], which is, as it were, the interior faculty of taking forth and viewing the particulars of the corporeal memory. - 1748, August 29.