Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3005

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3005. Hence may also be known what [is] intuition, through faith, and what [is] faith; for some suppose that faith is of nothing, and yet intuition by faith can effect all things, and [there is] an intuition of all things that pertain to faith, with persuasion. But faith is of such a nature that so much of intuition in the Lord [as comes] from man, or from self so much does it recede from the Lord, and is of no efficacy, but so far [as it comes] from the Lord, so far is it efficacious. It is similar with the persuasion of what belongs to faith, otherwise they are like that mad man; it is an insanity not unlike theirs who supposed they were God the Father, and God the Son, yea from insane persuasion; also [like his] who supposed he was Charles XII. These were put amongst the mad; they also are similar, who wish to acquire faith to themselves from their [propriis] strength. - 1748, August 31.

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