3110. These suppose that they are ruled by themselves, and not by the Lord. Wherefore, they are sometimes so punished [mulctantur], that their consociation which, as it were, resembles one person, is separated. The separation [is effected], as I perceived, by the blowing, as it were, of certain who are below, near the buttocks. They are then dissociated, and act as many. This takes place with great molestation [to them], there is uproar amongst them, their complaint is heard, that they knew not what would hence result: and they then acknowledged that they are of no power whatever, though at other times [alioquin], they suppose they are able [to accomplish] everything. Those who are under the buttocks, correspond with those who are in the perpendicular line of the zenith, because they are of such a nature: but they who are below, at the buttocks [adnates], are borne away by the cupidity of punishing everyone in a subtle manner: for they were not seen by me, but only perceived by such a mode of blowing [insuffationis] [as that] whereby [they were] separated.