3128. CONCERNING SPEECH WITH SPIRITS. Speech with spirits appears to them wholly like the speech of men with each other; and anyone may wonder that they do not perceive other than that it is entirely the same. But still there is such a difference as between the speech of the mouth and the speech of thought; so that thought, and not the tongue or mouth speaks, and that spirits at once perceive if [one] wishes to conceal anything, and if anything else is latent, whatever is simulated, if there is such, so that if [one] wishes to conceal anything, then, at once, do they the rather draw out his thoughts into the light, and if he simulates aught, he is immediately charged with falsity. Moreover, speech with spirits is fuller, so that whatever may be in the ideas of words is more fully disclosed, besides many things which [I have said] previously concerning spirits and ideas. This [is written] in presence of those who could not perceive other than that the speech of spirits and men is the same; yea, if man should thus speak with man, in which a state as he is, his brain [cerebrum] would in a few minutes be distracted and become insane. - 1748, [September] 12.