Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3233

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3233. CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF MERCURY. (I have again, by means of [through] intermediate spirits, heard the spirits of Mercury, who spoke in volume [voluminatim] so rapidly, that scarce could [an intermediate] spirit have uttered it. There was, as it were, a volume of them speaking together. But it was not their speech, [but] only the thought of the interior sense or memory that flowed into the speech of the intermediate spirit, [and was so rapid]. It was similar with the perception of those things, which were thought after that. So promptly did they perceive them, that at once, and in a moment, they judged [decided] as to the quality, saying, "This is so; this is not so; this is the quality." So that their decision [judicium] was almost instantaneous; and, moreover, they were similar to what they were before. This is remarkable, that their thought was brought to me in such volumes, that the spirits quickly undulated above me like an atmosphere; also that the cogitative undulation did not flow [labereter] towards the left eye, although they were some distance to the right. - 1748, September 21.)

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