Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3245

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3245. Hence, I could now perceive, that it was such as the human race, but I did not know what province in the body they represented [had reference to]. Wherefore spirits of that earth, either these or others, came within me, and it hence was granted to perceive, that they had reference to the scutiform or xiphoid cartilage wherein the ribs are terminated in front, and which is the fulcrum of the muscles of the diaphragm, on the anterior side, and thus of the muscles of the abdomen also. It may be seen whether or no the linea alba passes to that cartilage, and hence [if this cartilage] is continued downward, so as to be the common fulcrum with the linea alba of the muscles of the abdomen. - 1748, September 22).

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