Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3258

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3258. (As regards the internal sense which the spirits of Mercury represent [referunt], it is such as is the memory, yea the memory of particulars, but not of the images, of things; for the memory of particulars contains visual images, which pertain to the imagination, thus to images of terrestrial and corporeal things; further, it contains things, for instance, laws and knowledges of laws, also [the things] of faith, like as that there is nothing but evil with man. This part of the memory more nearly respects [se refert ad] thought, because it affords to thought subjects of deep thinking, thus passes to speculation and constitutes it. Such memory do the spirits of Mercury represent; and what is wonderful, they know so many things which exist in heaven and hell, and which belong to things that no one can help wondering; and what they once perceive, this they retain.

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