3281. That old [vetustus] man, who was seen is adored by them, as their god; to wit; they apprehend that so seems he who rules all things; to whom, therefore, they wish to be similar; thus [to be] old with a gray beard; and when they were told that such [a personage] does not rule the universe, and that he could have been conducted to them, in order to confess it, they therefore wished to see and hear him, and when he was shown them, he told them that he was a thief, who [is] above my head, and directed the things which I wrote. He confessed before them, that he told them he was thief, who [is] above my head, and directed the things which I wrote. He confessed before them, that he is nothing, and perceives himself to be ruled by another Supreme [being]; he wishes to say that he was ruled, on account of his spirits, one superior to himself; but inasmuch as they are of such a nature [this] is permitted them; but thus they are brought by a shorter way to worship of the Lord who rules the universe; and that he might demonstrate to them, that it was he himself, he spoke with them, according to the inmost life of their nature.