3658. He was tortured by being cast down, and by being sent into the [infernal] tun,* and that with great quickness, because of his [David's] being in such an interior phantasy. When the pontiff thus severely dealt with complained of these torments, David said to him that he was David; and concerning the Lord, that he held him bound, and that one only was to reign in heaven, at the same time asking why be wished to worship him [the Lord] as God, and proffering to show him his own kingdom. Upon hearing this the pontiff said that David was holy; he therefore denied the Lord and followed David; but when he wished to see his kingdom, he could not, and [being thus disappointed on this score], it came into the pontiffs persuasion, that if he should deny the Lord, whose vicar he had been, he would become nobody; wherefore he actually came into this persuasion, which when David perceived - for he could instantly perceive in that state the persuasions of another - he turned him into a cloud, and in this form, which I saw, cast him off to a distance, in which condition he fancied himself nothing, for he was then hardly visible, but yet from the extremity of the cloud he conversed with me. From this it may appear what is the quality of persuasions when they conflict with each other. * A species of punishment in the other world, of which an account is given, AC 947, 948.