Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3981

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3981. Being remitted into the state of faith in general, the sphere was that of a bare intuition, without anything determinate, as everything of spirit being thus diffused there resulted such a sphere of simple intuition. Still, however, they spoke, but said they did not know whether they spoke, or what they said. It was then remarked, that when the idea is determined to the things of faith, as to a confession of faith, that perhaps the case might be different, yet still such an impression remained; it was barely an intuition which cannot be described, so diffusive and general was it, just as before. It was said that when they prayed or read, or did other similar things appropriate to faith, and did not think concerning faith alone without works, that the case was not so, which indeed was true, because there was then something determinate. All the particulars which are read are such as are terminated in the things of faith. But altogether different is the process when they think of what faith is, and more when they think of faith alone, and still more, if they think of faith as entirely separate from works. Hence it appears what an idea many, nay, the most, and among others this defender, had concerning faith and its properties, viz. that it was solely their intuition or their thought, thus an aerial faith which vanishes as a thing of naught.

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