3985. It was given to ask this spirit what he thought of the life in heaven, whether he would be altogether idle, breathing only joy, with no active life, that is, with no life of doing good, at the same time intimating that the bare idea of such an idle life spent in mere joy was exceedingly sad and repulsive, as thus all joy would perish and become as nothing, or something vile, which after a short time one would nauseate and despise; whereas an active life would be attended with a constant perception of joy. It was also asked of him what he thought of this - viz. that as he knew there were ministering spirits assigned to men, called "tiensteandar,"* whether he supposed they would minister to him, and what opinion he had of them; as for instance whether he imagined their idea of heavenly joy was that of dwelling at ease, breathing only an indolent delight, as also whether spirits would be aware, after death, of the fact of their being ministering spirits attendant upon man. To myself it was perceptible, that an idle life of joy was no life at all, but that an active life alone had in it delight, and that such a life was life indeed, because a life of action. - 1748, November 17. * A Swedish word signifying attendant spirits.