4854. CONCERNING THE HELL OF THE PROFANE. The hell of the profane is diametrically under man, under his conjugial [parts], deep down there according to the degree and quality of the profanation. There are very many there, at this day; for into that hell come those who have believed the things of heaven and of the Church, and afterwards in themselves denied them; also, those who attend on sacred things in compliance with fashion, and believe, and yet live ill; but not those who have lived ill and have not believed. There, as they said, are squalid sights, marshes, sterile grounds here and there, rocky places with caverns, and, besides these, regions overrun with forests. There are also places where are serpents of various kinds, besides other haunts of wild beasts. They cannot force their way out; for if they make the effort, as they desire, they fall into pains and tortures; wherefore they remove themselves afar off according to the sense of unpleasantness, and there they remain.