5240. ON THE FORM OF HEAVEN, AND THE SITUATION OF THE PEOPLES AND NATIONS THERE, AND ON THE MOHAMMEDANS AND GENTILES THERE. Christians are in the middle. Yet they extend to all the quarters, according to their states as to the light [lux] of truth and love of good. The Mohammedans are around that middle part. They constitute the next circumference, or circuit; and this likewise extends around to every quarter. Similar lands, mountains, rocks and valleys exist in these districts. Outside of that circuit are the gentiles, arranged, with respect to the quarters, according to their light [lumen] of truth and love of good. Outside of these, appeared, as it were, the sea, which was the boundary. It should be observed, that all these taken together were spread out, not in a plane, but in a globe like an earth. Wherefore, when I was conducted to the gentiles, after I passed through the Mohammedans I descended obliquely.