547. Moreover, they are of fair complexion, and they preserve their face from the heat of the sun. As regards their bodies, they indeed wash them and keep them clean, but they do not care for them, for they say that is [only] the body. The face, however, they do not call [part of] the body, because by means of it they speak and think, for thought, as they suppose, is of the face; they are therefore unwilling that it should be considered as the body. Therefore they take care that the face should be bright and clean. They have a broad covering for the head, made from the bluish-white bark or cortex of a tree, with which they broadly encompass the head, but not so the body. They showed me by their thoughts how they considered their face, namely, as something only speaking, almost without anything corporeal; although it is muscular, still they consider it as being devoid of muscles and fibers. 1748, Jan. 26.