5640. This takes place, either by means of affections, which are of the will, or, by means of those things which are of faith, which belong to the understanding. Few can feign themselves angels of light in the heavens by means of affections, because the perception of such things there is exquisite; but, in a lower sphere, and with all the simple at the threshold of heaven, they are able to counterfeit angels of light by means of affections; for, those do not have interior perception, nor penetration from knowledges; and because, also, in the world, they have esteemed as neighbor whoever was wretched, poor and a beggar, if only he displayed his misery. But they can by means of the truths of faith, and so through intellectual things. They are able to speak more admirably and in a more Christian manner than others, from the understanding, and from the light of heaven; and, then, they hide their affections by art, nor do they dare to imitate goods. They know, also, through communication with the simple-good, how to bring it to pass that good affections may inflow into their truths, and thus to present themselves before the angels, as angels, too. They are also received, but are not able to disguise themselves long. I saw such ones, and heard how they worm themselves in, and how they behave; also that they are received. There are still more arts; as, for instance, how some are able to bring themselves even into the celestial heaven.