5651. After this, visitation was made upon those who were more towards the north, where those were who are from lower Italy; and it was found, that, when left to their interiors, they betook themselves wholly to idolatrous worship, and made themselves idols of various kinds from such things as are in the sea, on earth and in heaven, and began to worship them, saying that the ancients on earth did so, and gentiles also with whom it is well and proved, by various kinds of worships, the idol the worship of which was the more successful, and that which was successful, chose. Thus the mixed multitude worshipped idols of such kinds, and made entirely after the pattern of all things which are in the sea, earth and heaven; and animals of various kinds; birds, fishes, serpents; representations of the moon and of the sun; and so forth. They also passed by the saints, whom they worshipped in the world, having proved that they are of no use. Such worship is ingrained in them, from the worship of images on earth. When, therefore, it was found that they were complete idolaters - worse than the idolaters on earth, in respect to the fact that they have denied the Divine and believe that such things avail, because through correspondences, - then, the Last Judgment came upon those mountains. Some, an earthquake first fell upon, which appeared like vast billows of the sea; and then, the towns there were shattered, and the palaces there, and fell to the ground; which being done, the mountainous [surrounding] was rolled back, thus moving to and fro over them; and so they were altogether carried off from the face of the earth. It is not granted to know whither they have been deeply cast down. (# About their inquisition see another page; [no. 5656, which we here immediately subjoin].)