Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5655

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5655. * That they were worshippers of a devil was also discovered. They had books in which the doctrine of their worship was, and books in agreement therewith; and one book and another was taken away from them, and read before others. In it, was a doctrinal of this kind: that they should beseech God the Father that He would excuse them for having recourse to a devil, because He is not willing to assist them, and they know that they obtain aid from the devil; wherefore, they have recourse to him, and set up his worship, calling him their patron. And the other book was opened, which was written in mere characters after the manner which prevails in the celestial kingdom, and this by means of curves and simple inflections; and it was deciphered. It was, that nothing was from the Divine, but everything from the devil such, also, had been their interior religion when they lived in the world, although the exterior appeared different. They were asked why they so behave; since they have whatever is necessary, as houses, food and clothing, and likewise were able to live among each other as in the world what more they want, that they should betake themselves to the worship of a devil. They answered that it is in order that they may rule over all others round about and possess all # * No. 5656, is placed between nos. 5851 and 5652. -ED.

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