Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 5668

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5668. THE EDUCATION OF INFANTS. (1) They are with nurses whom they call their mothers. (2) They read the Lord's Prayer, and learn prayers from the nurses, by means of influx out of heaven. (3) There are preachers for them. (4) Intelligence, and wisdom too, inflows, which excels the intelligence of the learned in the world, although they have only a childish idea about those things. (5) There are with them representatives out of heaven. (6) They are dressed according to their industry, principally with flowers and garlands. (7) They are led into paradises. (8) They are tempted. (9) They grow in accordance with the state of reception. (10) They are of diverse dispositions. (11) Nurses are appointed them who have loved infants in the world who, also, are like mothers and there is granted them a perception as though they were their own babies: but this is not granted to others than those who are in good, and are able to receive influx out of heaven. (12) Those infants who have been brought up there, do not know otherwise than that they were born in the other life. (13) They do not know what time is, what space is, and such terrestrial matters. (14) Within a month, they speak the angelic tongue.

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