5816. After this, all who were in that heaven were let down; and it was shown that those in the mountains and hills raised themselves up thither by means of phantasies, and that they were not there; for they appeared, before the angels of heaven who were with me, below me, in their own places, and not above; because these did not see them where they were by phantasies, but where they were in the body; and this was beneath such ones, on the level of the ground. When they were seen there, they were also hidden in a cloud arising from their falsities, and afterwards in the ground; and thus were covered up - in that place, those who were not so bad, to the number of many myriads, and those who were bad, below these, in a similar depth, which was seen by me. When I looked from angelic sight, upon those who appeared in the mountains, those who previously appeared above and on high, were all beneath. The evil, when so seen, were quite deep in the hells. Those who were thus hidden under the earths, were mostly those who were good - these were roundabout under the world of spirits; others were about the south-western quarter; others to the north-western quarter; and so forth.