6082. JERUSALEM AND THE TEMPLE AFTER THE CAPTIVITY. The building of the temple commenced in the year 72 after the captivity; completed as to the interior portions in 91, 94. Jerusalem built, 163. Haman wishes to massacre the Jews, 215. The Temple is pillaged, 439. The Jews are driven to idols by Antiochus, 441. The Temple cleansed, 444. Alcimus begins to destroy the Temple wall, 449. Hyrcanus, Anstabulus, Alexander Jannieus reign in Judea, 504, 505, 506. Aristabulus (II.), till 542. Pompey takes Jerusalem, 545. Antigonus takes possession of Judea, 568. Herod is then declared king of Judea, 568. Herod besieges and reduces Jerusalem, 571, 572. Augustus sets about building the Temple, 586. The building of the Temple finished, Herod celebrates the dedication, 595. The Temple polluted by the Samaritans, 615. The building of the Temple discontinued, 631. The Lord is born, 605.