634. CONCERNING THE DECEITS OF THE DRAGON The dragon can be called double-headed in many ways, inasmuch as he makes a show of penitence with the mouth and speaks as if he had repented, and yet at heart he cherishes deceits, and this at one and the same moment, almost like deceitful men who can simulate with their face and gestures, when yet they bear enmity in their heart. This is rarely the case among spirits, but is to be met with in the dragon. He can speak sweetly whilst at the same time he is contriving evil, as today, when he called together evil spirits for the purpose of clandestinely attacking the good and destroying their faith. Moreover, he also mixes himself with the single things which the nearest spirits are doing and thinking, so that he has more attentive ears than another evil spirit, watching diligently for evils. He has very little residue of the faculty for good remaining. 1748, Feb. 2.