Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 651

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651. CONCERNING THE SIGHT OF SPIRITS There are four kinds of sight which have been shown me. The first is the sight during sleep, as vivid as that of day time, so that in the sleep itself I would say that if this were sleep, wakefulness would also be sleep. The second kind is vision with closed eyes, which is as vivid as when the eyes are open, and like objects, even more beautiful and lovely, are offered to the sight. There can be a similar vision when the eyes are open, and it has occurred to me on two or three occasions. The third kind is in a state when the eyes are open, and the things in heaven, both spirits and other things, are represented. This is a representative vision which has been made very familiar to me,* only it is rather obscure. It differs entirely from the ordinary imagination of men. The fourth kind is that which exists when man is separated from the body and in the spirit, and the man then cannot at all know otherwise than that he is awake. He then also enjoys all his senses, as that of touch, hearing and sight, and I have no doubt the other senses as well. It is a fuller sight than that of wakefulness, because more exquisite; and in that state one does not apperceive otherwise than that he is awake, except from the fact that he relapses into the wakefulness of the body. * Crossed out: "But it is a perceptive vision."

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