Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 669

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669. There are also those who correspond to the mouth who are likewise later transferred elsewhere, namely, those who continually want to talk, taking pleasure therein. When that pleasure is purified, so that they desire to speak nothing but what is of use to their companions, to the community, to heaven and to the Lord, or as far as the desire of regarding themselves in their speech, and of seeking to be [thought] wise, perishes, so far they are raised to a more lofty place. This was shown me today by a gold coin which a hand, representing the hand of the Lord, took and gave to one who was indignant that he was in the province of the mouth; he was given to recognize* that this signified that he was able to be transferred, and could be transferred to a place in the heart, if he was found worthy. 1748, Feb. 7. * There is a sign here in the manuscript referring to the following note by the author which is crossed out: For he said he could not hide the coin wh[ich] ..."

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