Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 693

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693. THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE THINGS IN THE OTHER LIFE ARE DIRECTED TO CONJUNCTION BY LOVE Whatever happens in the other life, such as the punishments, vastations, and very many other things, each and all tend to the end that societies which concord like one man can be reformed, which is effected solely by the love of the Lord, and thus of one's companions. This love can by no means be obtained when one desires to be greater than another - whence come disunion and rejection - nor when one desires to be supereminent in anything, but [only] when he wants to be the least, and to serve the others. Thus when all want to serve each other mutually, they are united, and each has his felicity from the individual and thus from the general. These things were spoken in the presence of spirits and souls. 1748, Feb. 9.

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