Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 708

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708. Moreover, I could not but greatly marvel at the mildness and gentleness of the spirits of the inhabitants of Jupiter, which I was granted to know by their having been with me now for some days, if not a week, and having acquired a place in my head. They are so mild that they [do] nothing but think. Their thoughts are so flexible that they suffer themselves to be bent away from the mere good-pleasure of the interior heaven, or of their angels, thus [to be led] by the will of the One Only Lord. They are so patient that scarcely any slight indignation is noticed when they observed that this or that was not granted them; they at once acquiesce. Neither do the doubts of others adhere to them, but they pass them over as though they are of no account. They are such that it was only from other indications that I knew that they were present; I could scarcely know it from any kind of alteration of their "animus". They are content with those things that are enjoined upon then. These are their words. 1748, Feb. 10.

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