Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 715

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715. CONCERNING THE REJECTION OF EVIL SPIRITS WHO STRIVE BY ARTIFICE AND DECEIT TO INSINUATE THEMSELVES INTO HEAVEN Evil spirits and those who are called wolves, namely, those who had previously carried away the spirits who were afraid of them for the reason stated above [n. 699] - but this was only at the first, before they have been initiated into societies - are sometimes permitted to clothe themselves as if with shining-white raiment. However, they are at once recognized by the angels, because their external is as it were painted, not living. It is therefore impossible for them to be received into any society, for to be received into heaven is to be received into the heavenly societies. This, then, is the gulf between hell and heaven [Luke xvi 26], because [to pass from the one to the other] is an impossibility, and even if this were permitted, they would at once be rejected as something altogether contrary, like scum.

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