Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 718

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718. CONCERNING THOSE WHO DESIRE TO BE SUPREME IN HEAVEN It was observed that those who desire to be supreme in heaven have adjoined to them in the life of the body other similar desires, as that they wish to excel others, either in worldly glory or in other things, and so are ambitious. They are the same in the other life, which is, however, opposed to the love of the neighbor. Such are deprived of all rationality in the other life, and become as though they were no longer men, for they know not what they do. They do everything from instinct and as if in sleep, as was said before; and because they suppose that there is something good in such ambition, it is granted them to act according to their instinct with the utmost earnestness in whatever they do; so they want to imitate all things, and appear good. When they are permitted, they seem to themselves to be able to fabricate wings, and so to fly on high; and they then fly so high from phantasy alone, that they suppose it is scarcely possible for anyone to be higher than themselves, as was also shown me. To such a height does their ambition raise them. 1748, Feb. 10.

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