742. CONCERNING THE INHABITANTS OF JUPITER I could recognize the presence of [the spirits of the] inhabitants of Jupiter not only from the influx of their affections, but also from the fact that they disposed my face to be, as it were, laughing and cheerful, and this continually; for in such a way they dispose the faces of the inhabitants of their earth, so that they laugh as if from gladness of heart and show forth joy. That this was joy of heart I could also know from this, that their tranquillity was communicated to me, which was so delightful that it sensibly filled my chest and heart. Moreover, they do not suffer themselves to be moved by the cupidities of others, but remain in their delightful tranquillity. Thus they are without cares, unlike the spirits of our earth, who are agitated by every commotion of the "animus", and are in continual restlessness. Hence it can be concluded with ample certainty, that the life of the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter is many degrees more delightful than the life of the inhabitants of our earth; for cupidities are what render man restless.