890. In order that these things might be livingly represented to me a spirit came to me who was such that all kinds of persuasions could be impressed upon him. There are very many such spirits who know no otherwise than that they are the person [whom they represent], and thus by means of them other persons can be induced almost to the very life. Wherefore, lest anyone with whom spirits speak should be deluded, it should be known that such things are most usual and familiar in the sphere of spirits. This spirit was examined in many ways so that the spirits might know which of my acquaintances he had been in the life of his body. At length they supposed that it was a certain one who was alive about half a year ago - whether he is now dead I do not know - because his personality could he so readily assumed. Thus he came into the company of spirits who could know from me of what quality he had been, and they were given a cognition of interiors, as just now said. That same person, therefore, was as vividly represented as though he himself were there, and this in so many respects that they are persuaded that he is that person. This appears no otherwise to them than it would if such a representation was induced upon me, as was before said. I still persisted in saying that it could be that he is that person, but I was not willing to be persuaded, because similar personations can exist. 1748, Feb. 20.