999. CONCERNING THE PROVINCES OF THE KIDNEYS It is well known that there is a complete series of secretions of the serosities of the blood, namely, in general, from the kidneys even to the bladder; also that the vessels or pelves increase in size; further, that the secretions of the serosities are likewise in a series from the least, the middle, and the last particles of that kind, thus [they end] in the ureter. Where there is as it were a cortical substance from which a striate substance proceeds, it is in these that the mediate serosities are secreted.* * See the author's work, The Animal Kingdom, nos. 287 note r, and 289.
999 1/2. Because there is this succession in series, the spirits who are in the renal provinces are also in a certain series. Those who relate to the middle serosity are near the side beneath the elbow, and speak with a kind of hoarse or cracked voice, as it were. They desire to introduce themselves inwardly, but it is only an endeavor, the act does not follow. They merely think, and present to themselves, the things which have been found by experience, or which they have observed with other souls or spirits. They represent to themselves the images of these things as to what the others have thought, in order that they may be recognized. They then represent to themselves that they are, as it were, the same persons. In this way by thus attracting and exploring the thoughts of others, they explore as to whether there is anything in agreement.