112. Scarcely anyone knows why the Lord came into the world and became Man; therefore it shall be told; but it falls within the understanding of the learned only. There are successive things from the Lord through the heavens to man, and thus to ultimates. Successive order is not continuous but discrete; that is, one thing is from another, as is the case with everything in the world. The more remote things in successive order contain in themselves the successive things in their own order; which order is called simultaneous. In this order, namely, the simultaneous, all the successive things are together; so formed that you may wish to have a conception of them: the first things are there created within; and so on, even to the last circumference; and because successive things are together in the simultaneous, therefore in things simultaneous is all strength or all power at once. And because there was no longer this ultimate with men in the world, that is, in their truths and goods in which the Lord has His abode, therefore He Himself came into the world, that He might become the last, and that so the first might act by last things and reduce to order all things in the heavens and in the hells; that is, from firsts by lasts; for when He acted from firsts by lasts, He acted also by all things, and thus likewise by the successive things which were in order in the lasts as in their firsts. This now was the cause of the Coming of the Lord into the world; thus also He was where there is fullness in His creation; and the Lord works those things which He works, where there is fullness. It is for this reason that the Lord is called in the Word "the First and the Last"; and for the same reason the Word in the letter is most holy, because this is the Divine truth in the ultimate of order, and for the same reason also strength itself is there. That this is so, is known to me more than to others. For the same reason the Lord said to the disciples that He has flesh and bones, otherwise than a spirit; and thus can the Lord be present with man in ultimates, and can save those who also are in ultimates.