74. It is said that there is one substance or essence, when yet there is specific difference, because the attribute in the specific case belongs more to one than to another. Consider whether it be not so when you are speaking of the Father as the Creator, of the Son as the Redeemer, of the Holy Spirit as the Enlightener; does not the thought then attribute to one what it does not attribute to another except in a general way? Then let it be considered whether their being one, or one substance, means that the work of creation proceeds from the Father to the Son, and from the Son to the Holy Spirit, thus in that order; whether or not the idea can be formed of its proceeding reciprocally; that the work of creation proceeds reciprocally, from the Holy Spirit to the Son, and from the Son to the Father. This is contrary to the idea which proceeding carries with it; when, nevertheless, that there may be one substance to the three, there must also be the idea of reciprocal proceeding, which cannot be given; otherwise, there are three substances, etc.