Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 124

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124. Ezekiel

Chapter 1 Verses 1-3 Prophecy concerning the Lord in respect to the Word. 10 4 The Divine external sphere of the Word. 10 5 A representative of it as a man. 10 6 Conjunction of celestial and spiritual things there. 10 7 The quality of the natural of the Word. 10 8, 9 Its spiritual and celestial which are conjoined. 10 10, 11 The love of spiritual good and truth, and the love of natural good and truth; their distinction and oneness. 10 12 The turning or looking of all toward one. 10 13, 14 The sphere of the Word from Divine good and Divine truth, from which is the life of the Word. 10 15-21 The doctrine of good and truth acting in unity with the Word. 10 22, 23 The Divine above and in the Word. 10 24, 25 It is Divine truth [verum], and its influx. 10 26 The Lord above the heavens. 10 27, 28 The Divine love and the Divine truth [veritas] pertaining to Him. 10

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