Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 136

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136. Chapter 13 [Ezekiel] The doctrine of the church falsified. 2 1-3 Respecting those who from their own intelligence hatch out doctrine, or falsify doctrine. 2 4, 5 They do not stand in the day of judgment. 15 6, 7 They say that it is the Word of the Lord, and yet it is not. 2 8, 9 They will be shut out from the church. 2 10-12 They falsely interpret the truths of the Word. 2 13-15 They will be destroyed. 3 16 They will have no protection against the hells. 3 17 The affection for falsifying. 3 18, 19 From such affections arise persuasions of falsity, by which they lead astray. 3 20-23 They will perish, and those who do not suffer themselves to be led astray will be protected. 3, 11

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