Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 139

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139. Chapter 16 [Ezekiel] The successive states of the Jewish church. 2 1, 2 There was nothing in it but falsity and evil. 2 3-6 It was forsaken by the Lord from the beginning, because it was without anything of the church. 2 7-12 After a time truths and goods of every kind and species were given to it through the Word, and thus evils and falsities were removed. 2 13, 14 Thus it could have been in intelligence. 2 15-20 It falsified all things of the Word. 2 21, 22 It extinguished truths and goods, and became as in the beginning. 2 23-25 It turned truths into falsities 2 26-28 by knowledges [scientifica] of the natural man, by traditions, and by reasonings from them, 2 29, 30 finally profaning [truths]. 2 31 It exalted itself above all men. 2 32-34 It obtruded its falsities on others. 2 35-42 They will utterly perish by the falsities by which the truths of the Word have been destroyed. 3 43-45 Thus they will be as in the beginning. 3 46-52 The like has come to pass with the Israelitish church, but in a less degree. 3 53-55 Nevertheless the church in general shall be restored. 11 56-58 It is everywhere better than in the Jewish church. 11 59-63 A new church is to be instituted among others. 11

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