144. Chapter 21 [Ezekiel] 1-3 (H.B. 6-8) [See above, end of chapter 20.] 3 4, 5 (H.B. 9, 10) They will all perish by means of falsities of evil. 6, 7 (H.B. 11, 12) Grief of doctrine. 3 8-11 (H.B. 13-16) Destruction by means of interior falsities of evil. 3 12, 13 (H.B. 17, 18) Grief of the church because they cannot be converted. 3 14-17 (H.B. 19-22) All things that remain will also perish, owing to falsities still more interior. 3 18-22 (H.B. 23-27) Destruction will come by reasonings from falsities, and yet they will have worship, but from these falsities. 3 23, 24 (H.B. 28, 29) Their worship will be vain. 3 25-27 (H.B. 30-32) That church will come to its end when the Lord comes. 1, 3 28, 29 (H.B. 33, 34) It will be the same with those who have falsified the sense of the letter of the Word. 3 30-32 (H.B. 35-37) They will be cast into hell.15