Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 150

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150. Chapter 27 [Ezekiel] 1, 2 Further concerning the church in respect to knowledges [cognitiones] of truth, which is "Tyre." 2 3-9 The Ancient Church had knowledges of truth and good of every kind and species, and by means of them it had intelligence. 2 10, 11 Truths that protected that church. 2 12, 13 Acquisitions and communications of all the knowledges. 2 14-20 Knowledge [scientia], intelligence, and wisdom by means of them. 21-23 Divine worship from them. 2 24, 25 Truths and goods of every kind and thus everything of the church acquired by means of them. 2 26-29 Through natural knowledges [scientiae] they have perished. 2 30-34 Lamentation over their destruction, 2 35, 36 and that it is the countenance of hell. 2

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