Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 69

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69. Chapter 3 [Jeremiah] The spiritual church, or the truths of the church. 1, 2 They have departed and falsified truths. 2 3 They are unwilling to understand truths. 2 4, 5 They have merely acknowledged the Word outwardly in the letter, and not even with the Word [in mind], but with falsities. 2 6, 7 The church in respect to truths, has falsified truths, and has not been willing to be reformed. 2 7-9 The celestial church, that is, the church in respect to good, has done likewise; as the spiritual church has falsified truths, so the celestial church has adulterated goods. 2 10, 11 They worship falsities of evil, and have perverted goods more than truths. 2 12-14 Exhortation to reject falsity and to receive truth, that there may be conjunction and a church, 2[, 11] 15 and that there may then be knowledge [cognitio]. [11] 16, 17 When the Lord comes there will no longer be the representative of a church, but a church, wherein the Lord Himself will be in place of that representative. 1, 11 18 Then truth and good will make one. 11 19 Those who will draw near shall be adopted as children by the Lord; 11 20[, 21] but the church has become perverted. 3 22-25 Those who will be of the new church will acknowledge and confess that they have falsities and evils. 11

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