Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 75

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75. Chapter 9 [Jeremiah] 1 (H.B. 8:23) [See above, end of chapter 8.] 11 2, 3 (H.B. 9:1, 2) In the church is nothing but what is falsified and evil therefrom, because they depart from the Lord. 3 4-6 (H.B. 3-5) One falsity comes from another even until there is nothing but falsity in which [they are]. 3 7, 8 (H.B. 6, 7) When they are being taught they feign that they wish it, but they do not. 3 9 (H.B. 8) Must they not perish? 3 10-12 (H.B. 9-11) Grief because of the destruction of all things of the church, even until nothing remains. 3 13-15 (H.B. 12-14) Because they have repudiated the Word, and have obeyed their own lusts, they are in falsities of evil; 3 16 (H.B. 15) and therefore they will be destroyed by evils, and falsities therefrom. 3 17-19 (H.B. 16-18) Lamentation over devastation. 3 20, 21 (H.B. 19, 20) Lamentation that from this there is destruction, 3 22 (H.B. 21) because they have infernal evil and falsity. 3 23, 24 (H.B. 22, 23) Let it be known that everything of truth and good, and hence everything of power and wisdom, is from acknowledgment of the Lord. 15, 11 25, 26 (H.B. 24, 25) The Coming of the Lord to judgment upon all who are in externals without internals. 15

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